Are you plagued by negative beliefs and conditioning?

Does your mind seem under attack at times?

Confused about what the truth is anymore?

Feel enslaved to cultural indoctrination and herd mentality?

Afraid of where the world is heading? Will we make it as a species?

Then you need this book of light.

This book is a must-read if you’re ready to tap into your full human potential to evolve beyond war and embrace the golden age of peace, love, and super-intelligence.  

“Your life is one of the most magnificent wonders of creation, to carry within you the seeds of Co-Creator and have the free will to choose WHAT to CREATE! Is this not the grandest power to OWN?” — The Guardians, excerpt from Chapter 6 

This book is designed with codes, phrases, and images that, when read out loud, activate your intrinsic knowing until it becomes invincible or “adamantine” and you attain Diamond Consciousness. 

When you read this book out loud, you benefit because you will: 

  • Use gnosis to liberate yourself from mental bondage.

  • Learn how to use the beauty ratio and its healing powers.

  • Adopt techniques to release negative conditioning, beliefs, and habits of an enslaved species.

  • Understand the importance of childhood imprinting, teenage transitions, and
    sacred marriage relationships.

  • Learn the truth about the controlling factions on this planet and how to free
    yourself from those influences.

  • Know the difference between addictive thinking and inspired thinking.

  • Learn the Act of Forgiveness exercise.

  • Reclaim the power of your birth energy.

  • Learn how to attain Diamond Consciousness through repeated Self-inquiry.

As Oracle Pegasus, Luma channeled an enlightened codex of wisdom tools for today’s world, resulting in the book Starfire Wisdom: the Adamantine Tablets of Diamond Consciousness Teachings. This gorgeous, 42-chapter book was transmitted from “The Guardians,” a cosmic group of intelligent kindness and light serving humanity on Earth. 


Book Excerpt from “Acknowledgments” by The Guardians: “It is our wish to acknowledge and thank you, the reader and the listeners, for allowing our sincere gift of collected teachings, exercises, and revelations to enhance your consciousness and thereby your earthly lives such that you can become a part of the evolutionary process of the Earth Gaia’s transition into her starship glory. It is through you, the human-clothed Starfire consciousness, that this transition may take place in time to meet the destined cosmic clock of evolution in this galaxy of choice. We refer to ‘Starfire’ often, as this is the key to remembering who YOU ARE. You are of STARFIRE, the combustion of light into the materially experienced world of choice. It is within your reach to imbibe your own body, which we often refer to as a temple, with this combustion of light through your awareness, acknowledgment, and activation of it through conscious volition. Within these tablets, you will be reminded over and over to ‘choose’ to focus on and practice these truths and principles until such become useful to your ignition of your STARFIRE element of LIGHT within your BODY TEMPLE and therefore, you become the beacon of your OWN TRUTH AND PATH OF DESTINY, as any creator does.” 


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42 chapters plus Keys to Understanding and Setting Up Your Template

60 exercises listed in the Table of Contents

13-point font for pleasant reading

8.5 x 11 inches for comfortably holding

300 pages



42 chapters plus Keys to Understanding and Setting Up Your Template

Clickable links in the Table of Contents

60 exercises listed in the Table of Contents