• Experiencing a major life transition? Yearning for clarity on an elusive issue? Grieving the loss of a loved one?

    Whatever you are seeking, ask your questions and enjoy a dialogue with Luma as “Oracle Pegasus” taps into the universal matrix of trustworthy intelligence and loving guidance for your highest benefit.

    Receive a personalized, one-hour channeled transmission of energetic fidelity with her unique protocol for interdimensional boundaries and psychic protection. Also included is a separately scheduled 30-minute follow-up session to integrate the first session.

    Both sessions are recorded for your review and enjoyment.

1-hour session and a 30-minute follow up:


  • Get greater results from three 90-minute sessions with Luma.

    Build on the revelations and homework assignments from the Oracle Pegasus transmissions. Enjoy going deeper each time.    

    All sessions are recorded for your review and enjoyment.

    Scheduled weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly over 3 months.

Three 90-minute sessions:

$750 (save $48)

The Starfire Breathwork

Get Embodied! Feel Fantastic!

Invigorating • Cleansing • Enlightening • Loving

The Starfire Breath is a powerful way to ignite and amplify your energy through a guided breath technique synchronized with chakra cycles and high-vibrational music.

This is more than just breathwork, this system combines the unique power of four aspects: 1) a specifically guided circuit of energy flow through the chakra systems to ignite new energy into the body, 2) flexing certain muscle groups,  3) deep circular breathing patterns, and 4) specifically chosen high vibrational music played to maximize the experience. 

The result: igniting your own inner Starfire energy and delivering it deeply to all parts of your physical body and other subtle bodies. 


Relaxation, more energy, mental peace and clarity, emotional release, flush toxins, remove ancestral & historical blockages, receive spiritual insights and messages… infinite possibilities!

Learn the technique as Luma creates a safe space to guide you into embodying your expanded consciousness, and then practice on your own.

This technique dates back to the Toltecs and was originally called the Fire Breath. After mastering this technique, Luma was given permission to teach it to others which she has been doing since 1995. Eventually, she expanded the teaching for today’s needs and created the popular platform known as the Starfire Breath.

  • Get Embodied! Feel Fantastic!

    Looking for a way to break free from restrictive fear and pain and liberate the free spirit you know is inside you? Starfire Breath is a powerful way to ignite and amplify your energy through guided breath techniques synchronized with music. Luma will guide you to integrate your higher consciousness with your body.

One 90-minute session:


  • Build momentum and go deeper for less!

    Scheduled weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly over 3 months.

Three 90-minute sessions:

$750 (save $48)

  • Release Hidden Hooks at the Source. No More Cutting.

    This powerfully liberating process is a sacred ceremonial rite of passage. Reclaim your personal sovereignty by releasing the subconscious energy attachments and psychic cords coming from another person and draining, manipulating, or blocking your soul growth. The key release occurs by finally getting the insight or the “Aha” of why you are hooked in the first place! This process also boosts your direct connection to your SOURCE so you can experience more clarity of free will choice in your life. Any relationship involved in this ceremony benefits from this Act of Power and Love.

    All sessions are recorded for you.

    1 Cord Release Ceremony - 5 hours of one-on-one work (broken into 3 parts):

    1st     1-hour preparation Zoom call.

    2nd    3 hours in which you experience the cord-releasing ceremony.

    3rd   1-hour integration follow-up and completion.

1 Cord Release Ceremony:


  • Release Hidden Hooks at the Source. No More Cutting.

    This powerfully liberating process is a sacred ceremonial rite of passage. Reclaim your personal sovereignty by releasing the subconscious energy attachments and psychic cords coming from another person and draining, manipulating, or blocking your soul growth. The key release occurs by finally getting the insight or the “Aha” of why you are hooked in the first place! This process also boosts your direct connection to your SOURCE so you can experience more clarity of free will choice in your life. Any relationship involved in this ceremony benefits from this Act of Power and Love.

    In-Person and Zoom Calls – 6 hours of one-on-one work (broken into 3 parts):

    1st     1-hour preparation Zoom call.

    2nd    4 hours in-person in which you experience the cord release ceremony.

    3rd     1-hour integration follow-up and completion Zoom call.

    All Zoom sessions are recorded for you. The in-person ceremony is audio-recorded.

Please book three weeks in advance.

1 Cord Release Ceremony:
